
Visit to Las Dueñas during the Spanish-British Summit


From the Las Dueñas Palace we want to thank all those attending the XXIX Spanish-British Forum for their visit last Saturday, December 3rd. It has been a great honor to have so many personalities and we hope you enjoyed your visit to this Palace House.

This past weekend, the XXIX Spanish-British Forum took place in Seville, as announced at the World Travel Market fair in London. These forums have been organized since 1988, and this time the objective was to analyze the consequences and opportunities of Brexit. For this reason, Juan Espadas, mayor of Seville, welcomed a hundred attendees (ministers, secretaries of state, bankers or businessmen).

Later, several days would be held behind closed doors at the Cajasol Foundation. At the end of Saturday's session, attendees were able to take a break to enjoy a visit to the Casa de las Dueñas, recognized as one of the most important and innovative monuments offered by the city of Seville, invited by Mr. Carlos Fitz-James Stuart, Duke of Alba, who was also attending this Summit.

Among the exceptional guests at this Forum were the Minister of Interior Juan Antonio Zoido and of Foreign Affairs Alfonso Dastis, the Secretaries of State, of the Presidency Jorge Moragás, of Defense Agustín Conde and for the EU Fernando Eguidazu Luis Atienza, the ambassador Federico Trillo-Figueroa, and the former ministers Pedro Solbes, Elvira Rodríguez, Luis Atienza, Trinidad Jiménez and Eduardo Serra, in addition to Luis María Linde, governor of the Bank of Spain and Admiral Juan Martínez Núñez, among others. The British government was able to count on the assistance of the British minister responsible for the Brexit negotiation, David Davis, the ambassador to Spain, Simon Manley; as well as the Secretary of State for Exiting the EU, David Jones; the Secretary of State for Europe and the Americas, Alan Duncan; the Secretary of Defense, Lord Howe; and the Secretary of Education, Nick Gibb, together with other personalities.

Once again, we want to thank all those attending this prestigious Summit for their visit to the Las Dueñas Palace, open to the public since March of this year.